A note from
Joe Tierno


Hello Race Fans,

I am really getting excited about the upcoming vintage races at Watkins Glen International.  Editing the video below still makes my palms sweat even though two decades have passed. If we only had YouTube, GoPro and Ron Hills (producer of The Race Report), imagine how much more we could have done.

1994 Collier Cup Video Link

Apparently I have too much time on my hands. I just spent ten hours editing eight CDs down to a twelve minute video. David Shelburne of Shelburne Films.com did a tireless job covering so many places with only one (I recall) camera. And it was his first time videotaping a race. I am also amazed at how many spins they caught, especially "Backwards Bob" Schoeplein.

Make sure you watch it to the end to see how many faces you can recognize. I hope you enjoy this little bit
of history.

The other thing that strikes me is to figuratively look over my shoulder and see that the promise of keeping cars for future generations has been fulfilled. Many of the cars that competed in 1994 will be back in 2014; some are second generation vintage racers, others are new to the sport and even more have an owner who refuses to toss in their Nomex.


Once again the BARC has rented a tent where the weary may gather in gentle repose from the elements. Bring a chair and a cooler filled with whatever fits your needs. It is a fine place to reacquaint yourselves with old friends and new faces (no, I don't mean old people with cosmetic surgery).

The tent is in a new and better place this year but in the same general area as before. It will be just inside turn 11(the last turn) and only a few yards from the pedestrian that connects the paddock with the outside of turn 11. WGI has labeled the area "The Bog" but it bears no resemblance and is nowhere near that part of history we'd all like to forget.

The cost for the tent this year is $485. On numerous occasions we have run short on contributions and would like to avoid that this year. A box will be in the tent to allow you to participate in defraying the cost. If you are not near the tent when you are overcome by generosity, feel free to make such contribution to Gordie Ruston or me, on the spot, and we will see that it makes it to the box.

If for some reason you are not able to attend but you want to contribute, please send a check payable to:

Gordon Ruston
1 William Road
Binghamton, NY 13901

Useful links:

I am not participating as an organizer in this event so this is all the information I have. These links should answer most of your questions. I'm sorry I can't be more helpful.

WGI website

SVRA website

WG Map: Look for a link called 3D Map.Follow the yellow section marked Midway to where it says pedestrian bridge. We will be on the green section where tents are shown.

If for some reason the above information is inaccurate, blame me. I am not helping the organizers in any way but simply passing along information you might find useful. Any errors are mine and not theirs.

I hope to see you all there.



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Online Editor: Christopher Kintner
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